Cohousing in Denmark

I watched a documentary recently called “Happy.” It included a really wonderful section about cohousing in Denmark.

This cohousing seems to increase the variety in people’s lives. For example, they only have to cook dinner once or twice a month because everyone helps with the cooking. This frees up, one respondent said, about two hours every day for her.

One of the kids there also mentioned that it’s great to have more adults around. For example, if they get hurt, it doesn’t matter which adult helps, and there are more adults likely to be able to help.

They didn’t say this, but it’s likely the kids get a wider variety of parenting, growing up with a more diverse perspective. It’s also likely that if one parent can’t help them with something, another one probably can.

The main mother they interviewed said she had lived in the cohousing for 6 years, and would happily live there 6 more.